Everyday life scenes, portraits and views

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Originally from the Val di Sole, where he was born in 1851, he completed his artistic training at the Brera Academy and soon became a prominent figure in the Milanese artistic environment. He moved to Venice in 1890 and contributed significantly to the foundation of the Biennale, which dedicated a solo exhibition to him in 1914. In the last years of his life he retired to Cles, in his Trentino, where he died on 8 October 1923 after a long period of inactivity.

At Castel Caldes the painter’s approach to the human figure will be analyzed and deepened, both in the context of portraiture and in the scenes of rural life, without neglecting the urban views animated by the presence of man. This is the less known production of the artist, whose fame is mainly linked to his «pure» landscapes and spectacular lagoon views. His creative activity, however, was much more articulated, revealing a more versatile personality than critics have hitherto recognized.

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