SSC Napoli Calcio training camp

ritiro-ssc-napoli-calciorequest information

Great football returns in Val di Sole: for the twelfth year (record among the Italian Serie A teams), the beautiful town of Dimaro Folgarida, at the foot of the majestic Brenta Dolomites, will host the pre-season retreat of the new Italian champions SSC Napoli from 14 to 25 July 2023.

During the retirement of the First Team will always be well in view of the brands Trentino and Val di Sole, which can boast of the significant title "Napoli Official Summer Training Location" (Official Headquarters of the summer training camp of Napoli Calcio)This is certainly an important aspect so that the tourist issues related to Naples' stay in Trentino during the retreat can also be highlighted.

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